Create Availability Alert
Select Admin > End User Management in the menu.
Select the Alerts tab.
Click “*” to create a New BPM Transaction Alert.
Fill in the form as follows:
Give the alert a unique name – eg, Availability
Select the CI – eg Online Banking – I am using the Business Application CI associated with the BPM. You can pick your Business Application CI.
Severity – eg, Minor
Status – Active
In the Trigger Condition tab:
Select Event-Based Triggers and tick “Transactions fail”.
Tick “Group data by the specified criteria”.
In the Definition Details area below, click the “as specified” hyperlink in the Data Grouping area and select “Transaction”.
In the Actions tab:
Tick “Generate Event”
In the Definition Details area below, click the “BPM Trans Alert Default” hyperlink in the Actions area.
This takes you to a separate BPM Transaction Template Repository window where you can create a custom template. The template I use is on the next two slides. Remember to click the Save icon to save your template before you close this window.
Still in the Definition Details area, you can change the hyperlink that sets the Event Type Indicator. Eg, you can change the value from Minor to Major, or just leave it unchanged.
In the Advanced Settings tab:
Tick “Send clear (follow up) alert notification”.
Click OK. You have created the alert.
Create Availability Template
Create your own Template for Availability Alerts – General Tab
Because I can show the entire Description, it is shown here:
Transaction <<Transaction Name>> failed. Triggered at location <<Location Name>> on <<Transaction Time>> by BPM <<Data Collector Name>> during run of script <<Script Name>>.
Transaction Error: <<Transaction Error>>
Trigger Condition: <<Trigger Cause>>
Alert Name: <<Alert Name>>
Create your own Template for Availability Alerts – Custom Attributes Tab
Because I can show the entire Custom Attribute Values, they are shown here:
<<Gateway Name>>/rfw/<<Entity ID>>&filter.filters.APPLICATION.fromDashboard=true
<<Gateway Name>>/rfw/<<Entity ID>>&filter.filters.APPLICATION.fromDashboard=true
Create First Response Time Alert
This is similar to the Availability alert, except that some of the values are a little different, so hopefully you can mimic the screenshot above.
Note in the Definition Details, select “as specified” to get the popup window where you accept “worse than” and “Minor/Critical”.
Note that this also has its own alert template “BPM Trans Alert Response Time CLP” which is shown on the following two slides.
Do NOT attempt to set the Dependencies that you see in the finished screenshot. The Dependencies for this alert will get set automatically after you finish configuring the 2nd response time alert.
Create Response Time Template
Create your own Template for Response Time Alerts – General Tab
Because I can show the entire Description, it is shown here:
Transaction <<Transaction Name>> <<Actual Details>>. Triggered at location <<Location Name>> on <<Transaction Time>> by BPM <<Data Collector Name>> during run of script <<Script Name>>.
Trigger Condition: <<Trigger Cause>>
Alert Name: <<Alert Name>>
Create your own Template for Response Time Alerts – Custom Attributes Tab
Because I can show the entire Custom Attribute Values, they are shown here:
<<Gateway Name>>/rfw/<<Entity ID>>&filter.filters.APPLICATION.fromDashboard=true
<<Gateway Name>>/rfw/<<Entity ID>>&filter.filters.APPLICATION.fromDashboard=true
Create Second Response Time Alert
This is similar to the other Response Time alert, except that some of the values are a little different. In particular, do NOT set the Dependencies as shown in the finished screenshot above and SAVE your alert. Then Edit the alert and you can now set the Dependencies as follows:
In the Advanced Settings tab, tick “Make alerts dependents of current alert”. In the Definition Details area below, click the “specified” hyperlink in the Dependencies area. In the popup window select the other response time alert that you already created.
Disable CI Status Alert Events
Admin > Operations Management > Design Operations Content > Indicators
Select the CI Type – eg, Business Transaction.
Select the first Indicator you want to change – Synthetic User Transaction Availability – and edit it. In the popup window, untick “Generate Events”.
Repeat for the Synthetic User Transaction Performance indicator.
You might also want to check the Business Application CI Type to see if “Generate Events” is ticked for the same indicators and untick them.
Preparing for a TBEC Rule
Once you are comfortable with the new BPM Alerts coming into OMi, you can then look to create some TBEC rules. If you followed my approach, then your BPM events (availability and response time) are associated with the Business Application CI Type and using the Synthetic User Transaction Availability and Synthetic User Transaction Performance Indicators. This is input info you need before you create the TBEC rule.
BPM alerts are typically SYMPTOMs. You also need to identify the CAUSE events. Eg, CPU Load or similar which you can see from your SiteScope monitors.
Then you just need to have a View defined in RTSM that shows a relationship between the Business Application and the Computer, and you can create a TBEC rule. Yours might be a little different from the example above.