Describe the HP LoadRunner Citrix Agent -- what does it do, and where to find it...

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This KB discusses the HP LoadRunner Citrix Agent -- its purpose and distribution, use.

Describe the HP LoadRunner Citrix Agent



The LoadRunner Citrix Agent is a utility application provided with LoadRunner; the "agent" executes on all Citrix server machine hosting the Citrix Application Under Test (AUT), and greatly enhances VuGen's capabilities in identifying Citrix client objects. 

The agent is not required for LoadRunner Citrix VUser scripts, however, HP strongly recommends it is installed, as its use makes for a much more robust load test and load test development is simplified.


The LoadRunner Citrix Agent provides enhancements in the following areas:


Object Class Information:  During recording, VuGen uses the agent to generate object-level information about the active object, thus creating ctrx_obj_xxx functions for all of the mouse actions, such as click, double-click, and release.


Expanded Snapshot Interactivity:  The agent installation allows one to determine which objects in the client window are detected by VuGen.


Retrieving Text:  With the agent installed, VuGen lets you save standard text to a buffer.


In-built Synchronization:  The agent provides in-built synchronization at the object level, making the script much easier to develop and test.


DEP Messaging:  Microsoft's Data Execution Prevention status is displayed in the recording and replay log relating to the status of DEP on the Citrix Server, since if DEP is enabled, the agent will have issues trapping text.


ctrxAgent.exe is launched on the Citrix server automatically when a Citrix session is created by LoadRunner during recording or replaying, and it stops automatically when the session is ended.  As with single-threaded executions of a script from within VuGen, when used in a LoadRunner scenario load test, the agent only runs when the Citrix VUser script runs and stops when the script execution thread ends.

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