Error during installation of BSM 9.26 - Related to Agent Version


If an Operations Agent is installed it fails to detect the correct version and throws a warning.


Error during installation of BSM 9.26 related to Agent Version.

During the install a warning message may appear indicating an error in the version of the agent that is installed. 

After investigation HP discovered a problem with the method that they verify the agent version. Essentially they are running opcagt -list_all_versions and only checking the first line from "Hotfix version"

C:\>opcagt -list_all_versions

Base version::


Patch version:


Hotfix version:





As a result version 11.14.060 is recognized as the version that is installed. If the version is lower than version 11.14.084 the installation shows a warning,


A defect has been opened for this issue but has been indicated that this errror can be ignored and to continue to install BSM. 


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