Sitescope Corrupt Template prevents Sitescope From Launching 11.x

Applies to:
Sitescope 11.x

Corrupt template in Sistescope after importing using CSV file. (This is a known bug at HP and should be fixed in SiS 11.31)

A large history of silent deployment logs will cause these files to get corrupted or unreadable and will not allow Sitescope to start.

1.  Identify the corrupted template (ID) from C:/SiteScope/logs/silentdeployment.log
2.  Stop SiteScope service
3.  Open the persistency viewer located in C:/SiteScope/bin/PersistencyViewer.bat
4.  Select ‘ALL’ category and find the object name or ID, and delete it.
5.  Go to C:/SiteScope/persistency/silentdeployment and delete files with name silent_deployment_queue*
6.  Start SiteScope service.
Additional Info:
This issue happens only with template deployments.  This usually is caused by a CSV file which might contain invalid parameters.

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