How to use MicDetect to gather info for HP Support

Applies to:
UFT 12.x

QTP 9-11x


MicDetect is used to gather data for HP Support for QTP/UFT issues.  This tool is typically sent with no instructions on how to gather the needed information.

1.  Unzip/Extract the attached file to the local drive.
2.  Launch the MicDetect.exe utility. Note: do not launch/execute unless contents/files have already being extracted, otherwise its possible that tool doesn’t work at all
3.  Click on Perform Checks.
4.  Fill out the “Customer details” dialog.
5.  Click OK. The utility will gather the information, creating a new folder called “Report” and will appear in the same folder where the MicDetect.exe is located.
6.  Right click on the folder and send to .zip.  This will allow you to upload the file to the J9 case or you can request a share be created so you can upload it.
7.  Click Exit.

Additional Info:
Below is all the data being gathered when you run the MicDetect.exe tool.

Operating System version and patch level.
Browser version.
Environment Variables.
QTP/UFT build and patch versions.

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