Deploying the VMware Host Solution Template in SiteScope 11.x

Adding a Remote Server

1.  In SiteScope (SiS) 11.x, go to Remote Servers (fig RS-1).


Figure RS-1

2.  Highlight Microsoft Windows Remote Servers and click the New Windows Remote Server button [button.png] (fig RS-2).


Figure RS-2

3.  In the New Microsoft Windows Remote Server window, populate the following fields for the vCenter server and click Save & Test (fig RS-3):

  • Name:  This is not necessarily the host name or IP address.  It can be any name that easily identifies the server for the user.
  • Description:  This is an optional field used for notes regarding the server for the user.
  • Server:  This field needs to be populated with an IP address or host name.
  • Credentials:  Select the radio button for Use user name and password or for  Select predefined credentials.  The former allows you to enter a username and password.  The latter allows you to use a saved set of credentials saved under Preferences > Credential Preferences.


Figure RS-3

4.  In the HP SiteScope pop-up, click OK to acknowledge the Connection Successful message for the server (fig RS-4).


Figure RS-4

5.  Highlight UNIX Remote Servers, click the New UNIX Remote Server button [button.png] (fig RS-5).


Figure RS-5

6.  In the New Unix Remote Server window, populate the following fields for the first ESXi server and click Save & Test (fig RS-6):

  • Name:  This is not necessarily the host name or IP address.  It can be any name that easily identifies the server for the user.
  • Description:  This is an optional field used for notes regarding the server for the user.
  • Server:  This field needs to be populated with an IP address or host name.
  • Credentials:  Select the radio button for Use user name and password or for  Select predefined credentials.  The former allows you to enter a username and password.  The latter allows you to use a saved set of credentials saved under Preferences Credential Preferences.
  • Operating System:  Linux
  • Method:  SSH


Figure RS-6

7.  In the HP SiteScope pop-up, click OK to acknowledge the Connection Successful message for the server (fig RS-7).


Figure RS-7

8.  Repeat steps 5-7 for each ESXi server.

Import Certificate

1.  Go to Preferences Certificate Management (fig IC-1).

Figure IC-1

2.  Click Certificate Management (fig IC-2).


Figure IC-2

3.  Click the Import Certificates button [button.png ].

4.  In the Import Certificates window, populate the Host field with either the IP address or host name of the vCenter server and click Load (fig IC-3).


Figure IC-3

5.  Highlight the loaded certificate(s) and click Import (fig IC-4).


Figure IC-4

6.  In the Import Complete pop-up, click OK (fig IC-5).


Figure IC-5

7.  Repeat steps 1-6 for each ESXi server.

Deploy Template

1.  Go to Templates (fig DT-1).


Figure DT-1

2.  Expand the Solution Templates folder and highlight the VMware Host template (fig DT-2).


Figure DT-2

3.  Right-click on the VMware Host template and select Deploy Template (fig DT-3).


Figure DT-3

4.  In the Select Group pop-up, highlight the Group into that you want to deploy the template and click OK (fig DT-4).


Figure DT-4

5.  In the Deployment Values window, populate the following fields and click OK (fig DT-5).

  • connection_link:  https://<hostname>/sdk
  • username:  The username for the ESXi host
  • password:  The password for the ESXi host
  • host:  The IP or hostname for the ESXi host
  • is vCenter:  The IP or hostname for the vCenter server


Figure DT-5

6.  On the HP SiteScope, click OK to confirm the success of the template deployment (fig DT-6).


Figure DT-6

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