Details and Tips on SonicMQ Installation

  • Install location(SonicMQ 7.5 should be installed under $TVISION_HOME/Sonic/MQ7.5 during Analyzer installation)
  • Management Broker name (MgmtBroker),
  • message broker name (host name),
  • Domain Name (Domain1),
  • User (Administrator)
  • ports (21110 and 21111),
  • Windows services (two services are registered one for Domain Manager(TransactionVisionDomainManager)and the other for Broker(TransactionVisionBroker).

    Tips on Sonic MQ

  • SonicMQ comprises of 2 components: Domain Manager and Broker.
  • Domain Manager is named Domain1 and Broker is named the hostname for the machine on which it runs
  • Before installing Sonic, if the Domain Manager or Broker is running from the previous installation, then the current installation will fail.
  • All of the installation logs are saved under %InstallDir%\Sonic\InstallLogs7.5\SilentInstall_8-25-2008_21-04-40
  • The best way to check a sonic installation is to use the Management Console to connect to the Domain Manager which runs on the url tcp://localhost:21110 with the name "Domain1" and the user as "Administrator". The Management Console can be launched from the Start Menu by following "Progress Sonic" menu.
  • Logs for the Domain Manager and Broker can be found under %InstallDir%\Sonic\MQ7.5\ and are called Domain1.DomainManager.log and Domain1.%hostname%.log.
  • The private key for the SSL Server authentication is installed in %InstallDir%\Sonic\MQ7.5\certs and is named serverkey.p12 and the server certificate is installed in %InstallDir%\Sonic\MQ7.5\certs\CA and is called serverkey.cer.
  • URL for Sonic SSL accpetor is ssl://localhost:21112 and for HTTP/JMS acceptor is https://localhost:21114
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