Install location(SonicMQ 7.5 should be installed under $TVISION_HOME/Sonic/MQ7.5 during Analyzer installation)
Management Broker name (MgmtBroker),
message broker name (host name),
Domain Name (Domain1),
User (Administrator)
ports (21110 and 21111),
Windows services (two services are registered one for Domain Manager(TransactionVisionDomainManager)and the other for Broker(TransactionVisionBroker).
Tips on Sonic MQ
SonicMQ comprises of 2 components: Domain Manager and Broker.
Domain Manager is named Domain1 and Broker is named the hostname for the machine on which it runs
Before installing Sonic, if the Domain Manager or Broker is running from the previous installation, then the current installation will fail.
All of the installation logs are saved under %InstallDir%\Sonic\InstallLogs7.5\SilentInstall_8-25-2008_21-04-40
The best way to check a sonic installation is to use the Management Console to connect to the Domain Manager which runs on the url tcp://localhost:21110 with the name "Domain1" and the user as "Administrator". The Management Console can be launched from the Start Menu by following "Progress Sonic" menu.
Logs for the Domain Manager and Broker can be found under %InstallDir%\Sonic\MQ7.5\ and are called Domain1.DomainManager.log and Domain1.%hostname%.log.
The private key for the SSL Server authentication is installed in %InstallDir%\Sonic\MQ7.5\certs and is named serverkey.p12 and the server certificate is installed in %InstallDir%\Sonic\MQ7.5\certs\CA and is called serverkey.cer.
URL for Sonic SSL accpetor is ssl://localhost:21112 and for HTTP/JMS acceptor is https://localhost:21114