How to Reinitialize the Sonic Bus for BSM

The steps below pertain to multiple versions of BSM.


With this status in Sonic Management console and with the error messages in bus folder we proceed to reinitialize the Sonic Bus to fix the problem following these steps:

1. Stop BAC Gateway server and wait for it to stop completely.

2. Stop BAC DPS server and wait for it to stop completely.

3. Perform the following steps on the DPS server:

-Open the "<HPBAC>/conf/bus/" properties file and change the lines:



-Save the file and run the following commands on a command prompt window:

%topaz_home%\Sonic\bin\InitializeStorage.bat MsgBroker

4. Perform the following steps on the Gateway server:

-Open the "<HPBAC>/conf/bus/" properties file and change the lines:


-Save the file and run the following commands on a command prompt window:

%topaz_home%\Sonic\bin\InitializeStorage.bat MsgBroker

5. From DPS server:

-Run the connect to database application so it reconfigures the bus. (never skip this step)

-Start the entire server and then wait until the BAC services start completely.

6. From GTW servers:
-Run the connect to database application so it reconfigures the message broker. (never skip this step)

-Start the entire server and then wait until the BAC services start completely.

NOTE: The stop and start order for BSM DPS and GTW is very important as well as the order to launch the Connect To database Wizard

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