DDM Installation Tips

The first step in setting up DDM is acquiring an "advanced_ucmdb_license.xml" file. The docs say to simply drop that file here:

[HPBAC Home]\mam_lib\server

With BAC 7.51 and posibly others I had to backup the original ucmdb_license.xml file in that dir, then rename the advanced_ucmdb_license.xml to ucmdb.xml file. If the gateway and dataprocessors are on different boxes, follow this documentation to update the license (Dicovery and Dependency Mapping User Guide PDF, pg 26). You can also check the status of the license with this info:


Upgrading to DDM Standard or DDM Advanced License

When you install Business Availability Center you receive the Universal
CMDB Foundation license. To obtain the file needed to upgrade to the DDM
Standard or DDM Advanced license, contact HP Software Support.

To upgrade Business Availability Center:

1 Obtain the appropriate file from HP Software Support:
standard_ucmdb_license.xml or advanced_ucmdb_license.xml.

2 Stop the Business Availability Center server.

3 Place the file in the <Business Availability Center root directory>\
mam_lib\server folder on the Processing server machine.
If Business Availability Center is installed in a distributed deployment, on
the Gateway Server machine, use the JMX console to force a license change:

a Launch the Web browser and enter the address http://&lt;server_name&gt;:8080/jmx-console, where <server_name> is the
name of the machine on which Business Availability Center is installed.
When prompted, enter the JMX Console authentication credentials (if
you do not have these credentials, contact your system administrator).

b Under MAM, click service=UCMDB UI to open the JMX MBEAN View

c Locate java.lang.String getLicenseForCustomer() and enter the following
In the force parameter box, select True.
In the ParamValue box for the parameter customerId, enter 1.
Click Invoke.

Note: To verify the type of license that is installed, select False and enter
the customer ID (seems it's alwasy "1"). Details about the license are displayed.

4 Start the Business Availability Center server.


Once this is done properly you should see a Discovery tab under UCMDB admin in BAC. If you only get teh red "X" icon in the upper left corner when trying to access something under the dicovery tab it's likely that you need to install the latest JRE on the box you are using.

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