uCMDB Browser Embedded "Internal error occurred"

Applies to:
uCMDB Browser 4.XX when embedded with uCMDB 10.XX server


After Installing or upgrading the uCMDB you receive a "Internal Error Occurred" message when launching the uCMDB Browser. 


Note: It is recommended that you backup any directories before deleting or overwriting. 


  1. Stop the uCMDB server
  2. Delete the contents of the Jetty Cache: <UCMDBServer>\runtime\jetty-cache
  3. Delete the current deployed ucmdb-browser folder: <UCMDBServer>\deploy\ucmdb-browser
  4. Download and redeploy the required version of uCMDB Browser using the UCMDB Browser Installation and
    Configuration Guide or follow the below:
    1. Unzip Embedded ZIP file to a temp directory 
    2. Copy ucmdb-browser.war to <UCMDBServer>\deploy
  5. Start the uCMDB server
  6. Verify error is not received by navigating to the browser:


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